How To Make A Link

You know how to have a word / sentence in the our post can be clicking by mouse? In the world of blogs, the name of "link" was very familiar for us. It was looks like sugar and coffee.... Make a link in a blog is very important, because if a blog with no links or exchanging links with other people's blogs, will result in the ignore our blog or isolated. Surely this is not to be expected is not it? Let's start it.

Create a link 1.

I'll give an example, like this : "If you want to know how to create a text area, please read and click here. You can adjust the color and size of the word "click here" is same as in normal typing.

Please follow this steps :
  • Give the words or phrase as a name for our link. The example from above is the phrase "click here".
  • Click this icon on your toolbar and enter the link address ( URL ) that we need are going. Suppose for my link at the above in fill : 3A00% 3A37% 2B07% 3A00 & max-results = 1. You can find copy your URL address in the menu on the address of your web browsing.
  • Now that you have successfully to created a link.
Create a link 2.

As same as how to create the link above, I'll give an example like this: "If you want to know more about internet business please click here. But the link I've showed here will make the readers leave my blog. Surely this is not my wish, maybe you too ... hehe. Do not worrie there are ways to fix it, that is if the visitor clicks our link, a new window will appear. So our blog will still appear on his web browsing. The trick is just add this code target="new":
  • For example my link above, I have filled in the URL address for the blog of http//
  • Click that icon, was placed at the top right corner, then go find the word of http// Just hold the Ctrl+F on your keyboard. for more eazier to find that word.
  • Find this code <a href="http//">click here</a> . Then add the code target="_blank" or target="new" in the middle of those.
  • Will be like this, if you have been added.........
  • <a href=" " target="new">click here</a><br/>
  • This is the example of the links that have been added additional code. Click Here
  • Done.
Have a greats day. Thank you so much.
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